Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Griffin family in the Moira Methodist Church

BOOK #1, COPY OF OLD RECORDS PAGE 20 Luther Lee -- preached in Moira two years 1827 - 1828 G. W. Barney -- preached in Moira one year 1829 Lyndon King -- preached in Moira one year 1830 G. C. Woodruff -- preached in Moira one year 1831 John Loveys -- preached in Moira two years 1831 - 1832 PAGE 20 & 21, YEARS 1831 & 1832 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous to the year 1831 the only class for Moira had its' central point, or focus, at Alburgh, in the South part of town, and Judge Pierce was the leader, but in that year the class was divided, and Peter Whitney and Hiram Pierce were made leaders of the two classes respectively. I am indebted to Brother Hiram Pierce for very full records of his own class, and the following is a copy of the first class book put into his hands thirty-nine years ago. Class Book, December 6th, 1831, for the Moira Class (at the Corners) of the Methodist-Episcopal Church, Malone Circuit, Oneida Conference, Spruce Chace, P.E. (Presiding Elder), George Woodruff, John Loveys, Circuit Preachers, for the conference year 1831. The names of members were, Hiram Pierce, Leader, Sally Pierce, Carlostin Olverd, Abigail B. Olverd, Loyal Griffin (Asahel's #1 child), Matilda (Austin) Griffin (wife of Sylvester, Asahel's #4 child), Joseph Griffin (Asahel's #7 child), Wm. C. Peck, Pamilia Peck, Emiline Spence, Polly Keeler, Charlotte Beals, Elvira Hasford, David L. Morey, Nancy Morey, David Keeler, Sally Keeler. There are 17 names making up all the membership of the church in Moira at that time, except a few near the South line of the town. During the next year 1832, Mary Manning and David Payne were added to the class but both of them moved away leaving the class just as it was before, until the following list of sixteen names were received: Sylvia M. Woodruff, Peter Wilder, Polly Wilder, Arvilla Wilder, Nancy Wilder, Arvilla Wilder, John B. Jackson, Polly Jackson, Sarah Ann Jackson, (Sidney Lawrence), Samuel D. Stodard, Lucy Stodard, Lois Gilman, John Beals, Betsy Alexander, and James H. Olverd. Several of these persons afterwards moved to other places where they or their descendents are now the strength of the churches where they reside, and I think four of the young women became wives of Methodist Ministers. That was certinly a prosperous year for the class in Moira. This year Stephen Paddock and John Loveys had charge of the circuit. PAGE 20 & 21, YEAR 1833 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1833, Wm. C. Mason and Charles Johnson were appointed to the circuit and the class book for the year shows the following changes: all the Wilders and Jacksons had moved away and the following new names were recorded Palemon Starks, Lyman Farnham, Azubah Kitchum, Maria Ballock, Electa Buckland, Sally Tilden, Henry Tilden, Irene Tilden and Adilia Oakes. PAGE 21, YEAR 1834 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1834, Wm. C. Mason and O. Squire had charge of the circuit. Loyal Griffin, Matilda Griffin along with others are marked as gone from the circuit. PAGE 21, YEARS 1835, 1836 & 1837 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1835 I beleive the Malone Circuit was divided and Hubert Graves appointed to Moira, Dickinson, Bangor and Brandon, called the Bangor Circuit, Silas Comfort PAGE 1 the Presiding Elder. No record until July 17th, 1837.. The following is a list as it then stood - including gone from the circuit - Joseph Griffin. PAGE 22, YEAR 1838 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1838, Wm. Bowdish, P.E., Benjamin Brown and David Chides Jr, Preachers. The following new names of members included Experince Griffin (I believe this may be Asahel's #3 child who I have only as a daughter but do not know the name). This year A. F. Bigelow, 14 years of age attended quarterly meeting at the old wooden church, began to make aquaintence of his Moira Brothern. PAGE 22, YEAR 1839 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1839, B. F. Brown and John Wallace had charge of the circuit, but the class book was not revised. PAGE 22, YEAR 1840 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1840, Lewis Whitcomb was P.Elder, the district then called the Governeur District and very extensive. P.D Gorrie, Preacher in Charge this year it seems that a new class was formed, perhaps it was formed some years earlier, but this year several of the members were transferred to what is called P. Austins Class, and the size of the class was much reduced but 11 new members added. PAGE 22, YEARS 1841, 1842 & 1843 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1841, the preachers were Byron Alden and P. L. Bennett but the class book was not renewed until July 1843, when six new names added. PAGE 22 & 23, YEARS 1844 & 1845 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Morenas Thrisher came to the circuit in 1844 and these names were added to the class: Ralph Pierce, Mary Searlus, Major Smith, the Sinclairs, Chester A., Laura, George, Jane, Lauris L. and Ellen F., Mario Carlisle and Sophia Williams. Almonzo Blackman served the charge in 1844 and 1845 and the class book was not revised by him but the following names were added to the list in his hanwritting dated January 1846, John Buckland, Ira Russell, Bethuel Turner and Lathon Buckland. PAGE 23, YEAR 1846 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. F. Alden was sent to the circuit in 1846, J. L. Hunt, P.E., Aaron Adams had been P.Elder the 4 preceeding years. From this time we have a full record. Here then start up before us two other classes and we discover at once where many of the missing members had gone. That we may have a complete view of the church in Moira in 1846, just 24 years ago (from 1870), I give a copy of the whole three classes. Class at Moira Corners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hiram Pierce, Polly Pierce, Sidney Lawrence, Mary Lawrence, Jedehiah Keeler, Saloma Pierce, Perris Willcox, Jonah Hodges, Judith Hodges, Elvira Hoford, Cynthia Hosford, Joseph Griffin, Ira Russell, Ruth P. Russell, Lydia S. Russell, Julia Buckland, Martha Buckland, Eliza Geddes, Alzina Drake, Ralph Pierce, Chapel Beckwith, Sophia Beckwith, Emalin Mithington, Chester A. Sinclaire, Laura Sinclaire, George W. Sinclaire, Jane Sinclaire, Lucy L. Sinclaire, Ellen F. PAGE 2 Sinclaire, Samuel Manning, Kindrick Mallory, Lucinda Mallory, Lathrop Buckland, Electa Buckland, Sophia Williams, Bethuel Turner, Susan Turner, Simon Wright, Sally Wright, Alice S. Alden, Lucy F. Pierce, Wm. P. Russell. Class at North Moira ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Farnsworth, Lucy Farnsworth, Adah Bidwell, Lois Gillman, Nicholas Geddes, Wm. Tryon, Salina McNall, Major R. Smith, Sarah Smith, Nancy E. Leonard, Lucy Leonard, Louisa Geddes, Nancy Wiggins, Betsy Leonard, Spencer W. Perry, Benjamin Smith, Edwin Farnsworth, Mary S. Farnsworth. Class at Northwest Moira ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hiram Austin, Horace S. Tilden, Sally Tilden, Wm. A. Whitney, Irene Whitney, John A. Garlic, Olive Garlic, Billy P. Witherell, Maziah Witherell, Rachel Morey, Ruth MacNall, Jane M. Morey, Winslow Gibson. Making in all 77 members 24 years ago (from 1870). There might be added in South Moira, through members of the Alburgh Class, George Kingsley, Betsey Kingsley, Jacob Burnap, Rosilla Burnap, and Amanda Shaw, thus raising the number to 82. PAGE 24, YEAR 1847 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1847, J. F. Alden, Preacher in Charge, there were added to the Society, Lucinda Dean, Comer K. Bullock, Mary Bullock, Serepta Lockwood (later became 2nd wife to Wilber Austin, wife was Abigail Griffin #5 child of Asahel), Henry B. Gibson, Franklin Gibson, George Kingsley and Betsey Kingsley. PAGE 24, YEARS 1848 & 1849 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal Stratton served the church two years, 1848 & 1849. At the close of his administration, find the following changes, new names: Dolly Drake, Thomas Young, Elizabeth Young, Charles MacNall, Laura MacNall, Laura Hodges, Helen Spencer, Lucy Cole, Sarah MacNall, Luthera Mallory, Sophia Mallory, Catherine Saxton, Lucuis Saxton, Louisa Kingsley, George Race, Charlotte Race, Fanny Fruman, Mary Bullock, Hannah Turner, Jerusha Chandler, Nancy Chandler, laura Bentley, Martha Lyon and Mary Lyon. Names changed Ellen Sinclaire to Ellen Saxton, Saloma Pierce to Saloma Gale. Died - Judith Hodges and Jedehich Keller and 5 persons moved away. PAGE 24, YEAR 1850 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1850, Rufus E. King, Pastor, new names include Stillman Griffin (oldest son of Leicester (Lester) #6 child of Asahel), Sylvia Austin. This year Moira was made a station and Alburgh attached, will add list of members 4 Whitneys, 2 Dollenbacks, 2 Irish Burnap, 2 Griggs, Bethial Wright, and 22 others for a total of 33 members. PAGE 24, YEARS 1851 & 1852 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1851 and 1852, Thomas Rickey, Pastor. New members include Celia Austin, Mararet Griffin (2nd wife of Leiceste (Lester) Griffin, Lester Griffin, Mary Griffin (?), Clarissa Griffin (who later married George Spencer), and Sophia Spencer for a total additional 48 members in two years time. PAGE 24, YEAR 1853 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 3 In 1853 F. A. O'Farrell, Pastor - new names include Peleg Griffin (4th child of Leicester Griffin), Mabel Spencer, Clarissa Spencer, and David Griffin (3rd child of Leicester). Loisa Turner became Loisa Seaver and Hannah Turner became Hannah Chandler. I think there were some other similar changes but I cannot certinly point them out. PAGE 24, YEAR 1854 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 1854, C. Sinh was preacher and 13 new names added. PAGE 26, YEAR 1855 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralph Pierce, Preacher in 1855. In the preceeding year it is recorded that Alzina Drake died in the triumphs of faith. Thirteen new names were added including Alma Wright. PAGE 26, YEARS 1856 & 1857 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Baldwin served the church in 1856 and G. D. Greenleaf in 1857. The following names appear in June 1858, George Doolittle, Mary A Farrington, Hircules Mooney, Warren Mooney, Arvila Mooney, Sally Young, Alexander Young, Crosby Young, Eliza A. Young, Amhurst Morgan, Amanda Clarey and Lucy Bryant. Of the above Mary Farrington, Amanda Clarey and Lucy Bryant make us think of persons who were previously called by other names. Lucy Harris died March 1857. PAGE 26 & 27, 1858, 1859 & 1860 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 1858 - 1860, A.F. Bigelow, Paster. In the winter of 1859 - 60 a revival meeting was carried on for many weeks with gret sucess. The pastor was assisted by Brother Robbins, a young minister of previous memory, who had now (1870) gone to heaven, of which he often spoke with as much rapture and power. The following persons were added to the rolls, Alma Wright, Sophia Wright, Almina Spencer, Sally A. (Young) Griffin (wife of Willard Griffin, oldest child of Joseph), and in all 54 names. A large number of the converts deferred any church connection for some months and finialy gave their names to the next pastor. During these two years Sarah Follett, Lucy Stoddard, Winslow Gibson and Nancy Wiggins were summonds to cross the stream of dath. It will be noted that deaths, marriages, and removals have not been generally reported in this account, because the ministers have seldom written a date and could not often decide the time of the event within 2 or 3 years. The exemptions and withdrawls have been purposely omitted as it is unpleasant to remember them. In 1860 Smith Griffin (no relation) was pastor and new names added included Stillman Griffin and Lester Griffin (7th child of Leicester and a Jr.). PAGE 28, YEARS 1861 & 1862 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chamberlain Phelps, Pastor for two years. Thirteen new names added including Clariss (Griffin) Spencer (newly wed to George Spencer and #5 child of Leicester) PAGE 28, YEARS 1863, 1864 & 1865 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. C. Corbin, Pastor for three years, the first pastor to serve more than two years. 14 new names added including Mary Payden. All but one removed or discontinued. _________This material was copied from the original records by David Griffin who made it available to the Blog. David has added notes to help identify the individual Griffins. The names of Asahel Griffin's children and grandchildren are very much in evidence._________ Asahel / Samuel / Samuel.

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