Held in the archives of the State of Vermont are two sets of records for Samuel Griffin. One is his probate file. Among the documents it contains is Samuel’s original will. The file also contains a document in which a group of witnesses testify that the will so presented was the valid will of Samuel Griffin “Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Samuel Griffin to be his last will and testament in presents of us who hereunto subscribe our names in witness in the presents of the testator.” The document contains the signature of Samuel Griffin the effect of a hard life having reduced his signature to a scrawl. The courts usually assigned a group to conduct an audit of the remaining assets. One of the documents is their “warrant” to “faithfully discharge the trust.” The final document is a surety bond signed by Mercy Bailey Griffin and her son John in which they promise to execute the provisions of Samuel’s will. In the will Samuel leaves his furniture to his “beloved wife”. The bulk of his estate goes to his son John. John and his father had been partners for the last twenty years of his life. The will stipulates that John is required to use the assets to provide for his mother during her remaining days. Mercy lived another 14 years. Samuel recognizes “my three daughters” that he shared with Marah. Lois Kelsey, Patty Dowd and Azuba Davis. He left each of them $20.00. Remember an acre of land was valued at $6.00. His collection of tools was to be equally divided between his “five sons” which he listed chronologically Joel, Asahel, Samuel, John and Dan. If there had been only a few tools I imagine that they would have been simply given away the call for an equal division seems to suggest a larger collection. Samuel’s daughter Mercy Pelton was to inherit her mother Mercy Bailey’s wearing apparel. The second file is from the Probate Court. The Probate Court had the specific task of transferring the deeds to the property. The document starts “Samuel Griffin estate—Be it remembered that on the 20th day of August 1808 the following will was presented.” The document includes a transcription of Samuel’s will and the list of his assets. The list of assets provides a few hints to Samuel Griffin’s life. He held in his own name 34 acres and buildings probably his home and out buildings. “half yoke of Oxen”. He probably only need one ox to do whatever plowing he was still doing or to pull the cart listed among his assets. “2 cows’ milk for butter and cheese. “1 swine” every home butchered a pig every year cured pork and sausage were a staple in every diet. “7 sheep” he must have been still weaving with wool yarn. Just enough animals to meet the basic needs. It’s interesting to note the quantity of linens listed among his assets. Also on the list are his ”carpenter & joiners tools” and his loom, which had played such a major part in his life. Click on images to enlarge.
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