The Varneys
The purpose of this monograph is to introduce a brief history of the Varney family. Hopefully this will help us all recognize them should we ever meet. There are at least two purposed family trees that connect Paul Varney to the first Varney to come to America, William. Both start with Humphrey Varney the son of William. One tree starts with his son Peter the other with his son Ebenezer. I propose that the correct tree is; Paul Varney / Moses / Benjamin / Peter / Humphrey / William Varney. We have put together a documentary trail that connects William-Humphrey-Peter- Benjamin-Moses. We also have a marriage record for Moses Varney and Esther Chick. We do not have any documentary evidence to connect Moses Varney to Paul Varney. But we do have some very strong family traditions that support the connection. Most of these genealogies reference the “Varney Family Bible” held by R. G. Varney of Albuquerque, New Mexico. We get some insights into Paul Varney's history from his son in law Albert Bailey Griffin and his son, Charles. In his letter to his son Charles E. Griffin, concerning their genealogy, Albert infers that Charles is already in possession of a considerable amount of Varney genealogy. It seems very plausible that Albert knew the identity of his wife Abigail’s grandfather Moses Varney. In reading the family histories for Abigail Varney Griffin’ siblings Albert and Esther Ann it seems apparent that those families were in possession of a substantial family history. It is my understanding the “Varney Family Bible” was owned by Paul Varney and has been passed down through his generations. Given that argument I am comfortable in stating that Paul Varney’s parents were Moses Varney and Esther Chick. Many of the documents we have uncovered are written in “middle English” which is the precursor to the English we are more familiar with. The Varney and Austin families introduce a Quaker tradition into our family tree. Almost all of the Austins belonged to the Society of Friends. We also find a number of Varney names in the Quaker records. The Quaker marriage certificate we posted is for one of the Varney cousins in Dover, New Hampshire. --------------------------
William Varney-1608-Bridgett Deverell ------------------------
William Varney was the first of his line to come to the Americas. Most genealogies list his birth in 1608 in Claydon, Buckinghamshire, England. William died in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts March 1, 1653/54. ----------------
There are a number of variations for the history of William Varney. For a long time the most prominent history was based on the work of Raymon Tingle. His undocumneted work suggested that William joined the great migration from England to the New World. There were three major destinations points for the migration; Virginia, New England and the West Indies. William ended up in Barbados where he had acquired an interest in a plantation. In Barbados he met and married Bridget Knight on May 4, 1629. Tradition suggests that all of their children were born there. William later moved his family to Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts were Williams’ name is prominent in the land and town records in that community. A review of the primary sources demonstrates that there is no actually foundation for Tingle's claims. In fact if you review his original work he himself used the term "suggests" for the marriage to Bridgett Knight. -------------
The more resent history based on a review of the original documentation presents a marriage between William Varney and Bridgett Deverell April 7, 1629 in Windsor, Berkshire, England. Bridgett was born Feb 25, 1598/9 at Hursley, Berkshire, England. She was the daughter of Robert Deverell and Gisell Button. It was this Bridgett that died in Glouchester, Massachusetts aat the home of her daughter Rachel Vincent. The current thinking is that the couple made the move from England directly to Ipswich, Massachusetts where there children were born. ----------
The oldest child was Thomas. His birth date is generally listed as 1630. Thomas died in Ipswich in 1692. The children are generally listed as Rachael 1632-1707/8, William 1632-1645 and an unidentied third son. The will left behind by William indictes the the family was made up of three sons and one daughter. There are many genealogies that list another daughter, Sarah, the wife of Jeffery Parsons. -------------
While there are good records for some of the births and most of the deaths of the children but there is not that one definitive document that clearly identifies the family. William died intestate. The probate record for his estate is found in the “Ipswich Quarterly Court Records, vol-1. In dividing up his estate the Probate Court noted that it was to be divided between his wife, Bridgett, three sons and a daughter. ---------------------
“Administration of the estate of William Varney, intestate, granted Mar. 28, 1654, to his widow, Bridgett Varney. He left three sons and one daughter. Ordered that the eldest son have 8 pounds within three months, and the other children 4 pounds each at the age of twenty-one.”-----------------
The court record also poses a strong argument against a suggested second daughter Sarah.---------------------
We get some clarity from the surviving will left by Bridgett Varney dated November 10, 1671,------------------------
“I Bridgett Verney of Glocester in ye County of Essex in New England being by Gods Providence Cast upon my Bed of Sickness & weakness & not knowing how near the time of my death & departure out of this world may be at hand yet knowing that all men are borne to dye & depart out of this world doe therefore declare & make knowne this my last will & Testament in manner and forme following. And first I commit & command my Soule into the hands of God the Father of Spirits & my Body to the Grave to be decently buryed by my Surviving Friends. And for my Goods and Estate I give & bequeath in the first place unto my Sonne Humfrey Verney the Summe of twenty Pounds to be payd by my sonne Jeffery Parsons of this Towne in foure years, five pounds per Annum during the space of foure yeares after my decease. ----------------------
Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Rachael Vinson, the wife of William Vinson, twenty Pounds to be payd out of my estate according as thee sayd William Vinson my sonne in Law Can best order it for Her And this to be for my sayd Daughter after my decease. --------------------------
Item I give and bequeath unto my sone Thomas Verney Seaven Sheepe after my decease. And for the rest of my goodes or estate besides what is above mentioned and bequeathed I leave in the hands of my Sonne in Law William vinson as he shall see meet And to the end this my Last will & Testament may be duely & truly performed in manner and forme above sayd I doe hereby appoint constitute & ordayne my sayd Sonne in Law William vinson to be sole Executor. In wittnesse whereof I the sayd Bridget had hereunto Set my Hand & Seale the tenth day of this instant November Anno Dom, one thousand Six hundred & Seventy one. ---------
Bridget Varney”-------------------------------
The will takes a little translating. After the death of her husband, Bridgett moved to nearby Gloucester to live with her daughter Rachael and her husband William Vincent. It seems evident from the will that she had intermingled her estate with that of her son in law. On her death she named William Vincent to be the executor of her will. The naming of Jeffery Parsons in her will has created a great deal of confusion. Many have suggested that he was after some fashion actually her son. Many suggest that he was married to another daughter in the family a supposed Sarah Varney. The explanation, although a little unconventional, is quite straightforward. There is ample evidence for the marriage and family of Jeffery Parsons and Sarah Vincent who he married November 11, 1657. Sarah was the daughter of the William Vincent in Bridgett’s will. ------------------
The term “sonne” held a number of different meanings in 1672. A son or a brother could actually refer to a son, a son in law or a brother in law. In the case of Jeffery Parsons, Bridgett was either expressing a close relationship in an extended family or making reference to the fact that he was Rachel’s brother in law. ---------------
The most famous or infamous town in Essex County is Salem, to be ever remembered for its witch trials. The witch hysteria also caught the Varneys in its trap. Thomas Varney married Abigail Proctor the daughter of John Proctor, the main character in Arthur Miller’s pay “The Crucible” who was hanged on August 19, 1692. Rachel Varney, her name appearing as the “Widow Vincent”, and her daughter Rachael, referred to as the “wife of Hugh Row”, were accused by her grand daughter and arrested. She was released on bond in October 1692. Her name is found in the collection of documents from the witch trails. --------------------
“Petition of Ten Prisoners at Ipswich.------------------
To the Honourable Governor and Councell and Generall Assembly now sitting in Boston.----------------
The humble petition of us whose names are subscribed hereunto now prisoners at Ipswich humbly sheweth, that some of us have Lyen in the prison many monthes, and some of us many weekes, who are charged with witchcraft, and not being conscious to our selves of any guilt of what nature lying upon our consciences; our earnest request is that seing that winter is soe far come on that it can not be exspectd that we should be tried during this winter seson, that we may be released out of prison for the present upon Bayle to answer what we are charged with in the Spring. For we are not in this unwilling nor afrayed to abide the tryall before any Judicature apoynted in convenient season of any crime of the nature: we hope you will put on the bowels of compassion soe far as to consider of our suffering condition in the present state we are in, being like to perish with cold in lying longer in prison in this cold season of the yeare, some of us being aged either about or nere four score some though younger yet being with Child, and one giving suck to a child not ten weekes old yet, and all of us weake and infirme at the best, and one fetterd with irons and halfe year and all most destroyed with soe long and Imprisonment: Thus hoping you will grant us a releas at the present that we be not left to perish in this miserable condition we shall always pray &c. --------------------
Widow Penny, Widow Vincent, Widow Prince, Goodwife Green of Havarell, the wife of Hugh Roe of Cape Anne, Mehitabel Dowing, the wife of Timothy Day, Goodwife Dicer of Piscataqua, Hannah Brumidge of Havarell, Rachel Hafield besides thre or foure men.” ------------------
The petitioners were granted bail in October of 1692. The following spring the Courts took up the cases for adjudication. By 1693 the general consensus was that the witch trail had been a miscarriage of justice. All of the Ipswich petitioners were cleared of the charges thanks to the support they received from the local ministers in Essex County, --------------
“Petition of Eleven Ministers from Essex County -----------
To his Excellency the Governor , Council and Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, In General Court Assembled ------------
Whereas in the year 1692 some of our neighbors of a good conversation, were apprehended and imprisoned upon the suspicion of Witchcraft, upon the complaint of some young persons under Diabolicall molestations; and upon their Tryall at the Court at Salem condemned; great weight being layd upon the evidence of the Afflicted persons, their Accusers Sentence of Death was Executed on severall of them other were Reprieved. But since it is apparent and hath been Acknowledged, that there were Errors and mistakes in the aforesaid Tryals; and notwithstanding the care and conscientious endeavors of the Honorable Judges to do the thing that is right: yet there is great reason to fear that Innocent persons then suffered, and that God may have a controversy with the Land upon that account. --------------
We would therefore humbly propose to the consideration of this Honored Court, whether something may not, and ought not, be publickly done to clear the good name and reputation of some who have suffered as aforesaid, against whom there was no as is supposed sufficient evidence to prove the quilt of such a crime and for whom there are good grounds of charity. Some of the condemned persons aforesaid, and others in behalf of the Relations who have suffered, have lately Petitioned this Honoured Court upon this Account. We pray that their case may be duely considered.” -------------------
Over the coming years the Courts reversed the findings of the Salem Courts although to late for those who were executed. The Court then set up a commission to pay reparations to those damage by the miscarriage of justice. -----------------
We have previously written of the young minster James Bayley whose first congregation was the Salem Second Congregational Society. The controversy surrounding the division of Salem into two separate societies is considered to be one of the major social underpinnings of the series of events that led to the witch trials. In the Harvard Sketches his biographer writes, ------------------
”I have given these details respecting Bayley and his parishioners, because opposition to him laid the train for the disastrous and terrible scenes of the Salem witchcraft” “these is no indication that he had a hand in subsequent proceedings, or was in the slightest degree connected with the troubles that afterwards arose…” -----------------------
Albert Bailey Griffin carried the name of his great grandfather James Bayley. -----------------------------
Humphrey Varney 1642-Sarah Starbuck ------------------------------------
Humphrey Varney, as a young man, relocated from Ipswich to Dover in Strafford County, New Hampshire. There are family traditions that contend that he took as his first wife Ester Starbuck daughter of Edward Starbuck. There are no surviving original documents to support the existence of that marriage. There is ample evidence of his marriage to Esther’s sister Sarah. The commonly held dates of birth for Humphrey’s children seem to indicate that they were the issue from his marriage to Sarah Starbuck. In the compilation of marriage records for the town of Dover we find the following, -------------
“Humphrey Varney d. 1713/14 m. March 2, 1664 Sarah Austin, wid of Joseph.” ----------------------
There is a great deal of confusion surrounding Sarah Starbuck. A review of the debate seems in order. Edward Starbuck brought his family to the new World in about 1635. He settled in Dover, New Hampshire where he became a leading citizen. The town and land records are replete with his name and signature. There are a number of DEED records that are signed by Edward and Katherine Starbuck. Edward eventually became disenchanted with the religious life in Dover, joining the Anabaptist movement he looked for a location where he could make a new beginning. Moving to Nantucket he is honored on several large monuments as being a founder of the colony. There are any number of well-documented genealogies for his family, which include his children Nathaniel, Dorcus, Sarah, Abigail, Ester and Jethro. The genealogies note that Sarah was born in England in about 1630/34. ----------------
Most of the histories and genealogies written for Sarah Starbuck mirror the following account taken from the “History of Dover”. Speaking of the Starbuck family,
“Sarah, is the subject of considerable difference of opinion. Tradition represents her to have married Benjamin Austin; and the same authority says another, and nameless daughter, to have been the wife of Humphrey Varney. But from an examination of the town records we are convinced that Sarah married; -1- William Storey, about 1658; -2- Joseph Austin, about the year 1659/60, who was dead in 1663; -3- Humphrey Varney. For “widow Sarah Storie”: is represented to have married Joseph Austin, when William Storey’s inventory was entered on record; and Joseph Austin, in his Will speaks of ”my brother Peter Coffin”; and after Joseph Austin’s death, Elder Starbuck confirms to his son-in-law, Humphrey Varney,” husband of “Sarah,” land formerly given by him to his son-in-law, “Joseph Austin.” If this be correct, I am inclined to think that Sarah had children in her third marriage, by which she became ancestress to a race of infinite numbers, The Varneys.” -------------------
Based on such histories when the original Dover town records were collected collated and rewritten town clerks often referred to Humphrey Varney’s wife, Sarah, as the ‘Widow Story”. We find the same level of uncertainty in the same histories concerning William Storey /Storer himself, ---------------------
“Storer William. Protest 1641. Black River lot 8 in 1642 as “Story.” Taxed 1648 to 58 as “Storey;” “Widow Storey” taxed 1659. Inventory entered Nov 8, 1660 and Joseph Austin (who married his widow) was appointed administrator June 27, 1661. Storer is believed, from tradition to be the son of Augustine Storre, see Wentworth Genealogy. William married, perhaps his second wife, Sara Starbuck, as ante, His children were: Samuel, born Dec 29, 1640, died early, Sarah born June 16, 1642; died early, Hancock, born July 16, 1644, Joseph, born Aug 23, 1648, Benjamin, twin with Joseph, died single, Samuel born about 1653.” ---------------------
In seems incumbent to us to turn to the original records to try to add some clarity. In 1907 the state of New Hampshire published transcriptions of the early wills written in the state. The lead author on the project was Albert Stillman Batchellor who held the title, “editor of state papers”. From the “Probate records of the province of New Hampshire Vol 1, 1635-1717” we find the following with the note that they were recorded in the Deeds records Volume 2 page 57b. ---------------------
“ Administration on the estate of William Story granted to Samuel Austin June 27, 1661.” --------------------------
“The said Austin brought into Court and Inventory of the Said estate amounting to : 130.5.0. the Widow of ye said Story now wife to ye said Austin is allowed her thirds out of the whole which is 43.6.8; & the remainder 86.16.4 to be divided among the fower children the Eldest to have a double portion Viz 34.14.8. & the other three 17.7 a peece when the come to ye age of 21 yeeres. The whole estate to remane in ye hands of said Samuell Austin the father in Law (step-father) to ye said children for there bringing up or shall chuse there guardian before provided he give double bonds unto this Court that it shalbe paid to the children accordingly & is granted Libertie to sell any of the house & Lands or to let the Same provided he brings in good securite to next Court at yorke for payment of the Childrens portion.” ------------------
“Inventory, Oct 8, 1660; amount 130.5.0; signed by William Pomfret, Hatevil Nutter and Job Clements; sworn to by Sarah Austin, sometime the wife of Wm Story deceased, June 27, 1661.” ------------------------
In the deed records, under the named of Samuel Austin, we find a deed concerning the property in question. Samuel is disposing of his wife’s part of her late husbands estate, in the deed we find the following lines “with ye consent of my now wife Sarah” “to ye said William Storey” “His wife giving up her rights of dowry”. ------------------
As we can clearly see from these documents it was Samuel Austin who administered the estate of William Story and that it was Samuel Austin who married his widow “Sarah”. There are no original records that identify the wife of William Storey as Sarah Starbuck. We can also see that the list of children from the town histories matches the reference to the four/fower children reference in the documents. Note that the youngest was born in 1640 when Sarah Starbuck was between the ages of 6 to 10. -----------------------
So how did Samuel Austin become Joseph Austin? As we have noted a number of times on the Blog, with the establishment of any new community, the first official volume of town records was the land deed ledger. In most new towns those ledgers were not only used to record the land deeds but they were also the repositories for the early town records. At some point in time the town records, births, deaths and marriages, were kept in separate volumes. In many cases as the town matured the town clerks undertook a project to gather all of the town records into a single volume. They then gathered, collated and transcribed the collected material. Somewhere in that processes, in Dover, Samuel Austin became Joseph Austin and the confusion over who had married Sarah Starbuck began. -------------------
There is universal agreement, supported by documentary evidence, that Joseph Austin married Sarah Starbuck. The inventory to his will, for example, was presented to the court ”by his widow Sarah Austin.” There is a wonderful document signed by Edward Starbuck, -----------------------
“Be it know to all men whome this may concern that whereas there was give me a parcel of land on ye left side of ye Back River containing twentie acres That I Edward Starbuck did give ye said land to my son in law Joseph Austin and do by these presents Confirm ye same give to my son in law Humphrey Varney and his wife witness my hand this 11th of May 1664, ---------------------
There is a little uncertainty based on the loss of original documentation as to the where and when and the identity of all of their children. The best evidence suggests that Joseph married Sarah Starbuck in 1648/49. Most of the Austins were Quakers, which explains why there are no birth records in the Dover town records since the Quakers kept there own records separately. The children were Deborah, Nathaniel, Mary, Thomas, Joseph and Benjamin. There are substantial records for Deborah, Mary and Thomas. -----------------------------
Note; Joseph Austin is Anna Austin Varney’s gggrandfather. -----------------------
Joseph wrote his will January 25, 1662. It is transcribed in the same collection that contained the will of William Storey, ------------------------
“I Joseph Austin of dover in perscataque beinge sike of body ase for my estate when all of my just and honist debtes are pead and satisfied I dow give and bequeath unto my wife the one third part of my holle estate which ise left and tow therd peartes to bee devided amonst my Chilldren; only I doe give unto my sonne Thomas Austin a doublell portion: and ase for my Chilldren and that which I have given them; I doe leave them with my wife: and Capt walldon: and Ellder winford and my Brother peter Coffin: to order and dispoe of them ase meay bee most for the glory of god and ther Comfort till they Com to years of discristion to quid themselfes and what I leave them: and Given: and this beinge my last will and testament I doe intreat and desire my loving frinds Capt Richard walldon and Ellder willaim winford and my Brother peter Coffin to see ite fullfilld in whitnes hereofe I have heareunto set my hand and seal this twenty fith deay of January one thousand sixe hundred sixty and two. Joseph Austin.” -----------------------
“This being brought into Court held at Dover the 1st of July 1663 & the Court conceiving it to be Imperfict for want of Nomynation of executers doe appoint the Widdow of the deceased Adminstratrix to the estate of ye deceased & order that the Adminstratrix shall not order & dispose of the estate with out the Concurrance of the overseers menc’oned in this will or any two of them whoe have power according t ye will of ye deceased to see that it accordingly be performed. ---------------
Lord of Court Elias Stileman Cler” -------------
“Inventory, Jan 29, 1162/3: amount 470.00; signed by Hatevil Nutter, John Hall, Ralph Hall, and John Heard; attested by Sarah Austin July 3, 1663.” -------------
Joseph’s will refers to his” Chilldren” plural. But he only gives us two names. The first is his son Thomas, the second, is his “brother” Peter Coffin. Peter Coffin was actually his brother in law being married to Sarah’ sister Abigail. In a deed dealing with the estate of Joseph Austin we find another hint for the identity of his children. In identifying the involved parties to the deed the deed noted “ ye said Thomas Austin, Deborah Coffin & Mary Gardner being children & heirs of Joseph Austin late of Dover” ------------------------------------
Humphrey Varney: 1642- Sarah Starbuck ------------------------
In the second generation of Varney’s we are again left without any clear decisive documentation for the children of Humphrey and Sarah. What is available are collections that are purported to be based on the original records. The problem is that time and human error has introduced a level of uncertainty. -----------------------
The New England Historical Genealogical Society in their collections , Vol-1 pages 124-125 published in 1894, recorded the following data from Dover. Note they included the incorrect Sorer/Story reference. ----------------------
“Varney. Humphrey Varney married Sarah Storer, 2nd March 1664. Children: Peter, their son, born 29 March 1666. John, their son, died 14 August, 1666. Joseph, their son, born 8th October, 1667. Abigail, their daughter, born June 10th, 1669.” -----------------------
Tradition adds two more sons to the list, Ebenezer and a second John. The separate nature of these two boys is used to support the idea of a second marriage to Ester Starback. However their accepted dates of birth argue that there mother was Sarah. In his will Humphrey names; his “beloved wife Sarah”, “beloved sonne Ebenezer”, daughter Abigail Brackston, “sonne” Peter. Peter is made the executor of his fathers will. ------------------------
John Varney in his will notes that he had received a “lot of Land” from his father. Having already received his inheritance may explain why his name is not found in his father’s will. In John’s will proved May 28, 1716 he wrote, ------------------------
“also I Give and bequef to my brother Peter varney one half of ye Seven Pound that he ose me; and I give and beguef the other half to my Sister Abgil Brackston; also I Give and bequef thirty Akers of Land at Seaterwit to brother Ebenezers Son John varny also a lot of Land at oster River my father Gave me by ded of Gift I Give the res of the Estait To my brother Ebenezer varny.” -----------------------
Sarah Starbuck our twice grandmother; --------------------------
Sarah Starbuck-Joseph Austin/Thomas/Samuel/Samuel/ Anna Austin Varney ---------------------------
Sarah Starbuck-Humphrey Varney/Peter/Benjamin/Moses/Paul Varney ------------------------
Peter Varney 1666- Elizabeth Evans -------------------------
In the volume titled “Dover New Hampshire Marriages 1623-1823” we find two marriages for Peter, “Peter Varney b. March 29, 1666/67 M. Elizabeth living in 1725 ”. Family tradition identifies her as Elizabeth Evans. There is a land deed on file in Dover, ------------------------
“To all people to whom the presents shall come I Peter Varney of ye Town of Dover in ye province of New Hampshire Cordwainer & Elizabeth his wife ……. To our loving son Joseph”. ----------------------
Note; A cordwainer was a craftsman who made soft leather shoes. ------------------------
Then there is a second marriage, “Peter Varney m. in 1724 Sarah Norton. Peter married Sarah Norton after the early death of Elizabeth. ---------------------
Most genealogies include the following children, Joseph, Moses, Sarah, Rachael, Benjamin, Susanna, Lydia. In his will, proved May 18, 1732, Peter names them all including Ledy for Lydia except Susanna. The will gives his wife’s name as Sarah. -------------------
“In the name of God A men march ye Second Anno Domone one thousand seven hundred & thirty two I Petter Verney of Dover in New hamshier in New England Being Sick in body. --------------------------
Imprimis I Give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Sarah Verney one beed and the furnetur there unto belonging as Curtains Sheets blankets pillow Coverled one Cowe and her pastering and Wintering and also two Swne and two Sheep with her pastering on my place during her Natural life and fifteen bushels of Corne to be fond her yerely and also one half my dwelling house in Ever Respect and to be found with fire wood Convent for her al all times. ---------------
Item I give unto my Daughter Sarah twety pound in money within one yere after my deses. ---------
Item I give unto my Daughter Rachael Eighteen pound in money to be paid within one yere after my deses -------------
Item I give unto my Daughter Ledy fifteen pound in money to be paid within two yere after my deses --------
Item I give unto my Sun Joseph twenty shillings and the heirs of my Sun Benjamin twenty Shillings in money Said legacys to be paid out of my Estate by my Executor --------
Item I give unto my Sun Moses Verney after my Just debts and Legecys are paid all the Remainder of my Estate lands Chattels what So Ever here wher I Now dwell or Else where --------
And I do her make and appoint my well belovd sun Moses Verney full and sole Executor of this my last Will and testament her by Revoking disnulling and making Void all former wills and bequests by me made and declaring this only to be my will and testament In Wittnesss whereof I have here unto seet my hand and seal the day and yere above said March ye twentheth Seventh day. --------
Peter Varney” ----------------------------------
Benjamin Varney- Martha Tibbetts ------------------------
There is very little direct documentary evidence for Benjamin Varney. As indicated in his father’s will he was dead before his father’s will was filed in March 1832.
The family traditions have Benjamin Varney married to Martha Tibbets the daughter of Samuel Tibbets. There was enough evidence within the town and church records for early Dover historians to also make that connection. The existing genealogies reference three main sources, the Tibbets family histories, “A Genealogy of Some of the Descendants of William Varney of Ipswich Mass. 1649 and more Particularly of his son Humphrey Varney”, and the “Varney Family Bible” held by R. G. Varney of Albuquerque, New Mexico. ----------------------------------
The genealogies list the children of Benjamin and Martha as; Moses, Phebe, Esther, Ichabod, Benjamin. The family tradition says Martha married a “Whitehouse”, first name unknown, after Benjamin’s death. There are deed records between an Edward Whitehouse and Moses Varney. -------------------------
In the will of Samuel Tibbets we find the following, ----------------------
“Item I give to my grandson Icabod Varney his heirs and Assign all my right and Intent in the Said Town of Rochester.” ----------------
“I give all my household Goods & movable Estate both within doors & without to my four daughters, Rachel Lego, Martha Whitehouse”. ------------------
The will is certainly a strong argument for the marriage of Martha Tibbets to Benjamin Varney. ----------------------
In the land ledgers we find three deeds written back to back where Benjamin’s children are selling their share of their inheritance to the same gentleman. The wording in the deeds expresses a clear connection between Benjamin and his children. ----------------------
“Know ye that I Moses Varney Senior ……….To ye homestead place of his father Benjamin Varney Late of Summersworth.” ------------------
“Richard Hussy Jr of Dover in ye province of New Hampshire in New England, yeoman and Phebe his wife daughter of Benjamin Varney Late of Summersworth.” -------
“Ester wife of Elijah Tuttle daughter of Benjamin Varney” ----------
In another deed we have references to Moses Varney Jr., Paul Varney’s brother, his father Moses Varney, “of my mother Martha Whitehouse” “of his father Benjamin Varney Late of Sommersworth”. That one deed connects three generations. -----------------
Moses Varney 1724- Esther Chick ------------------
In the marriage records for Dover we find, --------
“Moses Varney b. near 1724 m. near 1750 Esther Chick”. ----------
There are almost no original birth records available for the children of Moses and Esther. There is ample evidence of strong family traditions that provide the evidence for the family connections. The children are listed as Elijah, Patience, Martha, Esther, Edward, Moses Jr. Thomas, Paul. The birth dates are mainly estimations based on a supposed date of marriage in 1750. We do have definitive dates for Moses Jr. and Thomas. Thomas is buried in the Alton Bay Cemetery in Belknap County New Hampshire. The dates on his headstone are 8 Aug 1765 and 6 June 1812. Many genealogies use an estimated date of birth for Paul in 1767. His headstone confirms at date of birth in March 1772. ----------------------
Paul Varney – Anna Austin -------------------
Paul Varney married Anna Austin probably in Dover. The young couple moved with Anna’s father Samuel Austin to Colchester, Vermont. In Colchester their daughter Abigail was born. Albert Bailey Griffin from nearby Essex came courting and the young couple was married in about 1828. --------------
The story of Paul Varney is posted on the web site, Samuel Griffin Genealogy Blog July 2015 ---------------
Documentation for this monograph can be found at, Samuel Griffin Genealogy Blog, and, Griffins of Essex, web pages. --------------
To documnets below;--------- (1) is a deed by Edward Starbuck which mentions twomen who had been or were his "Son in Law" Joseph Austin and Humphrey Varney. Hunprey married his daughter Saara on the death of her lst husband Joseph Austin.-------(2) Deed signed by Humphrey and his wife Sarah (Starbuck)

